Musings: On a One and Passing Day, by Merri Trifiro

The following poem was sent to me today by a dear friend, Merri Trifiro. Her words brought me to tears. What her eyes seen resonated in my soul so deeply, I was moved to share it with YOU.


 I am fortunate to live in a warm climate by the water’s edge, and I was moved today to write my observations, my evening musings on this one, and the passing of the day. 

There is a flourish of activity that comes with the setting sun…

My seat and feet planted 
in the grass, I can feel the breezes 

Fluffing,  like billowy bloused arms of a royal nursemaid, hurrying to ready the sun for bed…All unfolds in sensory splendor until the last frame is captured with a single blink of the shutter. 

A moment that will never come again…

This capture is emblazoned upon me like lasers etching my inner eyelids

A Marvelous Still
remains amidst this soft and furious bustle…

Looking Out 

at the Sound skipping and dancing beneath this brushed and dappled sky…

Suddenly, my eye catches

Two Fish

Leaping up from the wavy stage

They flop down,

Slapping the surface waters, Breaking the rhythms

their white  bellies briefly exposed to the wide expanse above, where

Two Least Terns, trilling sharply, Dart in crazy eights in a frantic aerial chase, 

Pulling behind them a dusky drapery … 

As the scene, after a stage set change

Enter now, 

Five Canada geese in V formation

Fly like an arrow  below the clouds, 

Ripping a seam in the gray flannel sky

From east to west 

All this in such a Wondrous display of this one and passing day!…

Looking Up

Now, in the clouds above,

I see Umbrellas of wispy  jellyfish, 

under which a playful pup and dolphin are frolicking 

In reflection, 

I imagine this as a scene rising up out of the dreams cast upon the waters…

Dreams from the depths of the darkening mysteries

They surface projected on the screen of a dusky sky…

I still See in Shadows of Light

Meanwhile, the darting, trilling terns are interrupted by the ominous flight of an osprey

in their midst…

The terns are silent while
the osprey circles
Then all, fly Onward…

Looking Down, upon this coastal plain, inches above the greening blades

A squadron of huge dragonflies in a thick swarm, arrive from the Northside

carrying double saddlebags of some heavy payload,

They Buzz the lawn on twilight patrol…

The curtain slowly pulls  Westward, 

Like a painted canvas shade 
Pulled upon the Night’s flurry….

Closing my eyes, I Listen 
for its song,

The yawning day whispers now, in hushed, muffled tones, 

Singing a faint lullaby to the sun, that has sunken silently into  slumber,

Dreaming now, of all the rainbows, and brightest hopes…

There’s a Promise in the tweeting serenade still heard in the Dark 

An Ode to the Coming Light 

When a New Day, breaks  


Yom TOV, Beloved
Merri Trifiro


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