Unveiling the Messiah in the Fall Feasts


Unveiling the Messiah in the Fall Feasts, coupled with Book One, Unveiling the Messiah in the Spring Feasts, presents a valuable resource for individual or group studies on the Biblical Feasts. Both books are insightfully written and excellent for deepening your understanding and anticipation of the Messiah’s return.

203 pages

Unveiling the Messiah in the Fall Feasts offers a profound examination of each fall feast or Moedim with prophetic insight, simplicity, and understanding. The return of Yeshua Messiah on Yom Teruah/Feast of Trumpets will send a loud cry worldwide, known as the Tekia Gadolah. The Lion of Judah will roar, separating the sheep from the goats at the judgment seat. Those who wash and dress in robes of righteousness will shine like the stars in the heavens. May we be ready, with our wicks trimmed and our lamps lit, knowing the seasons and awaiting His return.

Dimensions 9 × 6 × .42 in


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