But I must ask, “Do you remember a time before we needed history lessons in 1st-century biblical studies? Before, We needed lessons in idioms and the correct verbiage. Before, everyone fought over the exact birthdate of the Messiah but didn’t skip the celebration?” Yes, a time Before we realized we had been duped and lied to. Before researching everything pagan and everything not pagan by every person who claimed to be a pagan expert.
A time before everyone was trying to learn who spells and pronounces the Messiah’s name and His Fathers correctly. A time when we just called Him, Father. Our Father who is in heaven. Hallowed be Your Name!
A time when you could discuss a passage with a friend and have joy and more reverence for the Holy One without an argument or shame, guilt, and condemnation or a feeling of “ I don’t know enough.”
A time when you could say, “ Abba, I know the plans you have for me, plans to not harm me but to give me a hope and a future.” And not worry about asking who the passage was written to or how 70 years in Babylon would happen. But reading it and believing it for us, when we were suffering and needed hope. No hermeneutics. No exegesis. No context. No contest on who’s right or wrong— smarter than.
It was a time when the Good News wasn’t about who had the greatest knowledge; it was a simple time when it was more personal. WE ALL NEED KNOWLEDGE. We are destroyed for lack of knowledge, but knowledge with arrogance and Bible slapping is just arrogance. It has no power or substance and the amount of information coming at us is overwhelming. We need a Savior! We need to put on the armor of the Lord! We need to surrender! Jeff Brown said it best:
Yeshua said, “Beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing.” “Beware” suggests the wolves are not easy to spot. Our adversaries often come to us as angels or messengers of light. Today, cliques are growing. Wolf packs are growing.
As an author and a teacher, I will be judged more harshly—as i should be. Teachers are picked apart and dissected as some people today jump from one teacher to another, looking for who has the most extraordinary knowledge that wows. Who has the absolute truth. The apostle Paul referred to these men as “ super apostles.”
Mentorship is dying. No one needs one. And with one man in control, sheep suffer. Congregations grow until one man can no longer juggle or spin plates fast enough because one man was never created to carry the whole load. Hello Moses, this is Jethro speaking.
“Ain’t you tired, Miss Hilly?”
I’m tired.
Tired. Over-saturated. Over stimulated. Over-extended, and this is not a good place for an author with a new release, knowing that I am a part of the research club. Perhaps with a different agenda, but most surely trying to bring correction.
My husband and I know our roles in the Body. This is the house Yeshua is building—preparing. It’s His House. We are given roles—He gave gifts and roles to men —all men! ( see Ephesians 4). Yeshua has prepared a place for You! Messiah in us is the hope of glory. Stand at your posts. Walk in your authority with love and humility—being Spirit led and filled with the Spirit of the LIVING GOD.
Ecclesiastes 12 has been hitting home for me.
“And by these, my son, be further warned: There is no end to the making of many books, and much study wearies the body.
When all has been heard, the conclusion of the matter is this: Fear God and keep His commandments because this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, along with every hidden thing, whether good or evil. (Ecclesiastes 12:12-14).
What’s hitting home with you? Can you relate?
Book Three, Wolves Unseen, is available.
My main concern is that when people read any book I’ve written, or listen to the audio, that I bring words that set people free from bondage and bring healing and deliverance. A body sick doesn’t always have to do with physical health. The prophets warned of a body sick from the top of the head to the soles of the feet. The Body of Messiah has been rearranged. The head, the Chief Cornerstone, must be reinstated as King in 2024. May it be a time of government and change. May it be a time of many growing in love instead of waxing colder. Oh, how the world is crying out and the cry grows louder and louder. I encourage you today to take time to shut out the noise and sit in the stillness of the morning for THE FIRST TIME. Read His Word for the first time. See His Creation for the first time. Share a meal at His Table FOR THE FIRST TIME.
I know your deeds, your labor, and your perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate those who are evil, and you have tested and exposed as liars those who falsely claim to be apostles. Without growing weary, you have persevered and endured many things for the sake of My name. But I have this against you: You have abandoned your first love. Therefore, keep in mind how far you have fallen. Repent and perform the deeds you did at first. But if you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place.
So good Bon! Always, your words are important, needed and timely, my dearest Sister- friend! …I’m right there with you…gathered under His pinions, Looking up…Breathing out from the Secret Place…🙏🏼🤲🏼🌬💨🔥🕊✨💞
Powerful piece! Father is still my favorite name for God Almighty!
So good Bon! Always, your words are important, needed and timely, my dearest Sister- friend! …I’m right there with you…gathered under His pinions, Looking up…Breathing out from the Secret Place…🙏🏼🤲🏼🌬💨🔥🕊✨💞
Love you, Merri! You are always a bright light.
Love love love your words! I’m going to look for this book my friend.
I pray it blesses you! Love and miss you.