November 2020

Anointing, Joseph and David's coats and anointings, The School of the Prophets

Joseph’s Four Coats and David’s Three Anointing’s

I want to share a wonderful comparison of the anointing and journey of Joseph and David and ask you to think about your own life. Joseph was given 4 coats. These had intricate meanings. David, too, was given articles, including a coat.

David was anointed three times. Both Joseph and David experienced similar journeys concerning hatred, humility, crushing, and maturity in order to receive the final mantle and the oil once they were mature enough for their assignments and prepared for Leadership.

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The Journey of a Prophet, Uncategorized

The Potter’s Wheel, The Journey of a Prophet

How do you build someone that has no concern for money? No regard for titles? No affection for the esteem of man? You strip them of everything they own. You cause them to live by a brook and let ravens feed them. You send them to a widow with a few drops of oil and a handful of flour.
You leave them naked and bare, and they see all the material as refuse worthless.

The Potter’s Wheel, The Journey of a Prophet Read Post »

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