August 2021

Three Types of People

Relationships Since 2020, the Real Virus

There are 3 basic types of people you will interact with. The first group is the confidant. You’ll have very few of them. Confidants are those people in your life that love you unconditionally. They are into you. Whether you are up or down, right or wrong, they are into you. They are in it for the long haul. You get in trouble; they’ll get in trouble with you. They’ll come see you in the jailhouse. They’ll get you out of the crack house. You can open up and share anything with them. You’ll never inherit your kingdom until you find your confidant. You can’t be David until you find your Jonathan.

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Preparing for Elul, Traditions

Traditions, Prophets, and the Month of Elul Part II

How many traditions do we see our Messiah keeping? Plenty,  but what happens when we begin to use the traditions as a tool for control or even truth. I think its good to know why we do the things we do. I never knew why I kept Easter or what tithes and offerings were or why I just went to ‘church’ every Sunday. I just did what I was raised to do. When a person starts looking into the roots of their faith or making changes due to teachings, I think its good to know when the tradition started and who came up with it.

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Elul, Prophets, Traditions of men

Traditions, Prophets, and the Month of Elul Part I

How many traditions do we see our Messiah keeping? Plenty, but what happens when we begin to use the traditions as a tool for control or even truth. I think its good to know why we do the things we do. I never knew why I kept Easter or what tithes and offerings were or why I just went to ‘church’ every Sunday. I just did what I was raised to do. When a person starts looking into the roots of their faith or making changes due to teachings, I think its good to know when the tradition started and who came up with it.

Traditions, Prophets, and the Month of Elul Part I Read Post »

Jumping for Joy, New Release

*FREE CHAPTER* from Jumping for Joy in the Midst of Sorrow

I glanced at her backpack on wheels with its Jesus stickers and hearts and pondered her idiosyncrasies. She had never married or had children. One by one, I watched people scurry away from her. Suddenly, they were in need of using the restroom or began to gather into another area by the coffee machine, but Abba whispered to me at that moment—”see her.” Tekoa, do you want to be with the elite? Love my sheep with all the love and even more than you have for these you are looking up to—these who are impressed by Biblical knowledge—these who have asked you to speak on Thursday night– because Tekoa, I am not impressed.” Heart conditions.

*FREE CHAPTER* from Jumping for Joy in the Midst of Sorrow Read Post »

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