October 2021

Award winning author, devotional, Prophetic eyesight

The Art of Seeing as We Wait

I began to reminisce over a book my realtor gave me as a parting gift, “Eyes to See” by Joyce Cordell. Interestingly, in the partially fictional tale of Levi, a tax collector who meets the Messiah, the blind man at the temple gate has keen eyesight and can tell when Levi is downcast by his voice and the way he shuffles his feet. Sometimes we can see with our ears.

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covid, Prophets, Vaccines

Covid, The Vaxxed and Unvaxxed, The Guiltless and the Wicked

Covid is not prejudice. Covid doesn’t care about our skin color, education, Biblical knowledge, or the size of our bank account. Some of the most righteous, holy people, whether in leadership or among friends and family have gotten covid, and some have died regardless of their walk–regardless of their age or health or religion. And the Creator of the heavens and the earth is not unaware.

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