November 2021

comedy, Messianic

From Torah Terrorist to Slightly Normal Human–a Comedy

You take a deep breath and enter and are instantly greeted with “Shabbat Shalom!” You mouth an almost silent “hello.” And walk with head down to the back of the assembly. Shofars start blaring, and prayers are being said in Hebrew, then English. People are turning to face in a direction. Meanwhile, you are frozen with two left feet. You make a note to look up the word “Shema” and oneg, because people keep inviting you to come after the service to oneg– whatever oneg is?

From Torah Terrorist to Slightly Normal Human–a Comedy Read Post »

Generational Curses, Spirits Unveiled, Book Two

Generational Curses, Spirits Unveiled, New Series Available

James 5 says, “If he committed sins,” not if he or his father or his grandfather. No instructions to break generational curses. I am not entirely against generational traits, personalities, hereditary diseases or even spiritual issues, but many things affect each individual situation.

Eli, the high priest, was righteous, but his sons were bent on evil. They were not wicked because of a generational curse, but scriptures suggest that Eli did not discipline them:

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devotional, Inspirational

Forget What Esau Said, It’s What You Said, Father!

In my teaching today, Jacob is meeting his brother Esau. It’s been over 20 years. That’s a long time not to speak to a sibling. There are times when we leave people for seasons. Having a brother or sister who is a twin and shared the womb must be unique. We often see identical twins and hear stories of how bonded they are, but Jacob and Esau were said to be two different nations. They were fraternal and looked drastically different–one was hairy wearing a fur coat and one smooth skinned.

Forget What Esau Said, It’s What You Said, Father! Read Post »

Full Bible Believer, Vayetzei (And he went out).

The Metaverse, Manna, Bananas, and Wrestling

All of these 20 years of turmoil will lead to wrestling. He is rolling in dust and dirt, weeping, crying out, and telling the Father about all his trickery, his pain, sorrow, burdens, and the loss of his family back home. Have you ever felt like Jacob? A black sheep. When I divorced my first husband I bought a CD, Jim Croce’s greatest hits, but there was one song on the album I needed to hear. “I got a Name.” I played that song over and over in my car and cried. For 14 years, I had traded my maiden name, but the Father was reminding me that I had a name, and He would give me a new name and a new identity.

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