December 2021

Joseph the Seer, the Seer

Joseph the Seer, Sees, an Allegory–Part II

A moment in time—a “Then suddenly”—a lifetime of moments has just occurred in Joseph’s life and his brothers within a matter of minutes. Joseph has been validated, vindicated, and he has forgiven. Joseph feels as if he has sprung forth from a sheath. Like his mother’s identity stolen from her on her wedding night, his identity has been hidden for so long behind a mask, but now he knows exactly who he is.

Joseph the Seer, Sees, an Allegory–Part II Read Post »

an allegory, Here Comes that Dreamer!

Joseph, the Dreamer, an Allegory–Part I

Joseph knows the Egyptian sun god Ra has no power over the dry, cracked earth, nor does he look to Neir, the god of wisdom from which his wife, Asenath, is named–a wife given to him after years of loneliness and grief. Asenath is lovely to behold and interested in the God of His Father, Jacob, but at times still clings to the many gods of Egypt.
Joseph slips on his leather sandals and paces past terracotta pots and serving tables surrounded by guards. Back and forth, he paces, replaying the words he’s rehearsing in his head. It’s a dialogue of what he will say and do next concerning his brothers.

Joseph, the Dreamer, an Allegory–Part I Read Post »

Miketz--Torah Portion, teaching

The Number 5 and the Story of Joseph Go Hand in Hand

Five is the number of grace and the scrolls of the Torah (the 1st five books of the Bible). Joseph is storing up more than grain as a precursor for Yeshua. Benjamin’s portion was five times more than his brothers’. The feasts affiliated with the Messiah’s return is the 5th one, the Feasts of Trumpets or Yom Teruah. This feast occurs in the 7th month of the Hebrew Calendar.

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