February 2023

Passive Aggressive Behavior

Passive Aggressive Behavior: Part II Human Behavior Series

Passive aggression is complicated speech riddled with hidden jabs or sarcasm that often comes across as covert or cloaked in hidden emotions. The person lacks communication skills to address their true feelings. Passive aggressive people can be good at giving the silent treatment if their egos are bruised or, worse, Ghost you. This is punishment, and often the person on the receiving end has no idea what they have done. There’s a difference between healthy boundaries and ghosting people. We must be careful to check which one we are doing and how we feel when it’s done to us.

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co-deoendency, Healing of the soul, Health and wellness

Co-Dependency and Freedom, Part III In the Human Behavior Series

Constant reassurance seeking. Do you love me? Are you mad at me?
Feeling responsible for problem-solving.
You can’t say “no.”
You need to avoid conflict. Do you worry about asserting boundaries?
Do you say and do things you usually wouldn’t do around certain people due to fear.

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The Martyr Complex, Part II of the Human Behavior Series

The Martyr Complex, Part II of the Human Behavior Series

Somewhere in your life, there’s probably a martyr martyring herself right now. She’s that friend, parent, spouse, co-worker, roommate, etc., who makes sure you know she’s sacrificing—for you and for the good of everyone but her. Those with martyr syndrome suffer out loud, in full display. The martyr is committed to being the one who doesn’t get to be happy, who doesn’t get what everyone else gets. The martyr always has a reason why he can’t let you help him… you’ll do it wrong, and then he’ll have to redo it; it’s just easier if he does it; he’s already started; he doesn’t really mind, blah blah blah. But the point is, it’s not possible, now or really ever, to let you take the burden off of him.[2]

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