March 2023

Joseph's Bones and Jeremiah, The Samaritan Woman

Old Rags, Joseph’s Bones, Jacobs Well, and a Samaritan woman

There is a long history of people sitting by wells in the Bible or in need of water. Moses sat by a well, watered Jethro’s sheep, and drove away the cruel shepherds from Jethro’s seven daughters.

Abraham’s servant goes to a well searching for a bride for his master and sees Rebecca:

So the servant ran to meet her and said, “Please let me have a little water from your jar. “Drink, my lord,” she replied, and she quickly lowered her jar to her hands and gave him a drink.”

In Genesis 21, Hagar has been sent away with her son, and after a while, she runs out of water and can’t bear to watch her son die of thirst, but God directs her to a well. Yahweh knows where all the water on the earth is.

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Spirits Unveiled, Book Two

New Release: Spirits Unveiled Free Introduction

Spirits Unveiled is an in-depth study of angelic beings, ghosts, and demonic entities and the deliverance from such spirits.

I address key passages misinterpreted over time, leading to theological confusion concerning fallen angelic beings, and begs the reader to reevaluate the question. “Can angels’ sin?” Are celestial beings chained in everlasting darkness, according to I Peter 2:4 and Jude 1:6, or is this referring to rebellious men?

Spirits Unveiled brings correction to tactics used in the deliverance ministry that are harmful to sheep, while shedding light on demons, deliverance, and how Hellenism, Greek thought, and the exile to Babylon affected ancient Judaism concerning spirits.

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