April 2023

Ichabod, Without Glory!

A Crying Infant, Ichabod, Without Glory

Eli’s sons thought they could carry His Holy Ark and use it as a means of protection, but they had profaned Holy things. What a fearful place to be in. We can mix the holy with the profane. We can become calloused and numb, not even knowing that we would rather be intimate with a harlot than Adonai, or watch our sons do unthinkable things without putting them outside of the camp.

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Enmeshment, Human Behavior Series Part VI

What is enmeshment? Enmeshment is a term coined by family therapist Salvador Minuchin to describe a relationship pattern in which personal boundaries are unclear or nonexistent. This means the people involved are emotionally fused or dependent on each other and cannot function independently or have separate identities. Enmeshment can happen in families or other relationships.[1]

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Triangulation, Human Behavior Series Part V

Many times, a manipulative person in control often vows not to budge. They are pitting people against each other to make one of them look bad. Usually, the person has low self-esteem or fears losing their power in a relationship, be it friendship, leadership, or family role. Their fear of going unnoticed, being wrong or forgotten, or unloved causes chaos. Their wounds, rejection, egos, or low self-worth must be healed. However, in covert narcissism, the person usually knows exactly what they are doing. Some may even enjoy it— hoping they destroy any threats that get in their way of attention and esteem

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