July 2024

Hope Deferred

Hope Deferred & Desire Fulfilled

We often wait patiently for certain things to transpire or come to pass. Unfortunately, at times, the things we hope for, long for, and cry out to the Holy One for do not materialize or happen when we feel they should. Occasionally, they do not happen at all. Sometimes, God withholds the desire of our hearts until we are mature enough to handle them, and other times, he waits until the circumstances are like Lazarus, a stinking, rotting mess.

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The Journey of a Prophet, The Role of a Prophet

The Journey of a Prophet

A prophet is met with death in the womb or shortly after. It may be a breach, uterine rupture, or strangulation by cord. Either way, some form of difficulty usually occurs before birth or afterward. The prophet is at times unloved in the womb, rejected before even exiting the ramp. Once the prophet meets his assigned family, he never feels truly a part of it, although he does love them deeply, he is a misfit. The prophet, at any time, may abruptly be told to leave his family, homeland, or flee for his life. He is mostly without a mother or father, and even if found to be a goodly child by his mother, he is then hunted by an outside power, whether Pharaoh or Herod or some other demonic force.

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