August 2024

#Heart Matters, Thou Worm, Jacob

Do You See Me?

It was 2009, a Friday night prayer meeting at a chapel. I sit in the back alone. I am single now. The evangelist ends the prayer meeting with a call for those needing prayer. I walk up to the front, cane in hand. There are about ten of us lined up across the floor. The man has a bottle of anointing oil, and one by one, he is anointing people’s heads and praying for each one. He begins to prophesy over a few, and then he gets to me. He does the same thing he has done to everyone else but then stops. “Hmm, God wants me to anoint your hands. He has a work for you involving healing.”

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Dead Flies, Honey Bees, and our Hearing

Dead Flies, Honey Bees, and our Hearing

Dead flies make the perfumer’s ointment give off a stench; so a little folly outweighs wisdom and honor. ECC 10:1

A little folly. How much trouble can one get into by mixing a little folly—a little stupidity? A lot! And once it’s mixed in, everything is spoiled. Does this folly come from a lack of hearing? Shema. Hearing and obedience. Who do we listen to most intently? Do we lack a keen ear for those we interact with daily?

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Gideon & Our Emotions

Gideon and Our Emotions

Numerous issues with people and situations can evoke emotions. But if we let our emotions get the best of us, we are not in control of our person. When situations, conflicts, and things out of our control cause us to react, we need to ask ourselves what we are feeling and why is it taking over our ability to have peace. If traffic is causing us to become anxious, riding on the bumper in front of us, swearing or becoming angry, there is much more going on than an absentminded driver in front of us.

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