Author name: Bonnie Manning

The War in Israel/Gaza

The Persecuted Become the Persecutors

“Gaza’s Health Ministry has confirmed 48,348 Palestinian deaths in Israel’s war on Gaza, while 111,761 people have been wounded. The Government Media Office updated its death toll to at least 61,709, saying thousands of Palestinians missing under the rubble are presumed dead.”

I ask you, would Yeshua/ Jesus have compassion for these girls? Babies raising babies without any human necessities Without a mother or father…I should think you know what His response would be, and is!

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Health Update, Photos, and New Book Releases

Health Update, Photos, and New Book Releases

As for the hospital stay and this last experience, I compare it to Jonah in the bottom of the deep. It was a death of deaths. I’m still trying to process it. As with all deaths, there is always a resurrection and learning experience when done correctly. After being stoned and left for dead, Paul said he knew a man who saw the 3rd heavens. He was referring to himself.

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Shut The DOOR!

Shut the Door!

In Matthew, we read about Jesus entering the house of the synagogue leader. He saw the flute players and the noisy crowd and commanded, “Go away; the girl is not dead but asleep.” They laughed at Him. After putting the crowd outside, He went in, took the girl by the hand, and she rose. All the mockers and scorners need to be removed from the room. All negative voices that speak death over your life or the life of your dreams must be eliminated. Shut the door!

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Beethoven, Kislev, & Light

Beethoven, Kislev, & Light

Beethoven was born December 17, 1770. His date of birth fell on the 7th day of Chanukah (Hanukkah) in the Hebrew month of Kislev. In John Chapter 10, we read about Yeshua showing up for this Festival of Lights. Although Hanukkah always begins on the 25th day of Kislev, that date can fall anywhere between late November and late December on the Gregorian calendar. Beethoven’s birth, name, and deafness all orchestrate a melody. And just like the celebration of Hanukkah, Beethoven shone his light in the darkness. Though he became deaf, his spirit man could hear music inside his soul. “The name Kislev derives from the Hebrew word kesel (כֶּסֶל). In Hebrew, the word for kidney is also kesel (כֶּסֶל).”

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Trump, JC, and Religious Spirits

JC, Trump, and Religious Spirits

Let’s be Wise as serpents and Harmless as doves. And let’s listen to others who may dispute what we know, weighing the scales of justice with good eyes and ears ready to hear what the Ruach has to speak through another soul we may deem less than.
Our King emptied himself. The Messiah was not God disguised as a man. He was a servant obeying His Father unto death.
Do nothing at all through selfishness or self-conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each one should look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.

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Audio Book Question Reviews

The Spirit of Leviathan Audio Review Questions

Although Leviathan is a mythological creature, his characteristics in the Book of Job mimic the seven deadly sins in Proverbs 6:16-19. Haughty eyes–A lying tongue–Hands that shed innocent blood–A heart that plots wicked schemes–Feet that run to evil–A false witness who spouts lies–One who stirs up strife among brothers.

Tekoa unveils David’s patience, military tactics, and wisdom as the Holy One allows the spirits working through Saul to prepare David for kingship. If you have been under significant attacks, if people are twisting your words and misconstruing your deeds, this book is a must listen– ideal for book clubs and study groups. Each chapter conveniently closes with a question review page to facilitate discussion.

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Update and Photo Dump

For those of you who went camping for a week, I hope you had a wonderful time. There is nothing like a warm beverage and a campfire, and there is also nothing like a beach gathering. Being outside and unplugged with friends and family is the way to go if you can do it. Also, practicing self-love, self-care, and, of course, a good book. Wink, wink.

This month, we gave away almost 1,000 free Polishing Jades. We pray that every broken woman trying to flee abuse or needing strength to see her worth is blessed by Jade!

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Free Kindle, Polishing Jade

Polishing Jade Free for a Limited Time

Polishing Jade is a Christian novel that is centered around a woman’s journey through faith, healing, and transformation. Jade Gentry is a shy introvert with an old soul and an abusive, alcoholic father. One night after a loud poker party, a drunken friend of Jade’s father sneaks into her room and commits an unthinkable act. Scared and afraid, Jade seeks shelter at Taylor’s General Store, where her friend Dillon, a young African American store clerk, works. Jade confides in him about the assault and longs for him to protect her and cover the pain, but in the 1960s rural Mississippi, such friendships could cost them their lives.

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