Author name: Bonnie Manning

#Heart Matters, Spiritual death

Introspection, and Healing for the Soul–Avanah

And what I’ve found in my own life and some of these people is a strange healing takes place. Healing most don’t discuss. It involves Gratitude for tiny things that go unnoticed by others. Things like belching, passing gas, a regular bowl movement, and a gut calm for a few hours. Healing from pride and arrogance happens for some if bitterness, sorrow, and anger at God do not take root.

Introspection, and Healing for the Soul–Avanah Read Post »

Holy Spirit

The Wind Blows— A Sabbath on Monday?

On Monday this week, I heard, “Today is the Sabbath.” My mind tried to compute what the Father was telling me. My logical mind said, No, today is not Saturday or Shabbat. Today is not a New Moon. Today is Monday. I’m aware that the days of the week in Hebrew are conveniently named “first day,” “second day,” etc., with the 7th day named “Shabbat.” What is Saturday—Shabbat? If you keep Sunday, ask yourself the same question.

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fudge rounds and Oliver, Oliver Anthony and the prophets

Oliver Anthony and Fudge Rounds–The Obese Milkin Welfare

I can remember sitting in the welfare department watching women come in dressed in designer clothing, brand-new cell phones, manicured nails, etc. I wondered why they were there. It didn’t take me long to hear stories when I inquired about how they could afford such and such. One woman told me that she lied to the government and acted like a single mom but lived with her boyfriend, who had a job back in the 90s, making over 20 an hour. She wanted to give me tips on how to get more “ fudge rounds.”

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Oliver Anthony and the prophets, Rich Men North of Richmond

I Agree With Oliver, It’s A Damn Shame

Oliver Anthony said I’m no musician. I can’t play guitar well. I sing okay. I’m a factory worker who has struggled with addiction. But when he said he wished politicians would look after minors and not just some minors on an island somewhere, he called out Jeffrey Epstein and a whole host of men in government who got on Jeff’s private jet to visit the island. Bill Clinton went 26 times, and many men in positions of authority had their time cuddling up with this snake. Oliver, like Amos, called these men out!

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Free Chapter, Spirits Unveiled

Free Chapter Seven of New Release, Spirits Unveiled–Sickness and Disease

Many times, the children of Israel were sick or even died due to complaining and bitterness in the wilderness. Snakes sent from Adonai bit them, and the quail they requested came up through their nostrils; the earth even swallowed some: “The LORD sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and much people of Israel died” (Numbers 21:6, KJV). Miriam spoke against Moses, and the Lord struck her with leprosy, and then Moses begged Adonai to restore her, and He did. Yes, repeatedly, sickness was caused by sin. However, we know this is not always the case. For instance, look at Job and all his troubles.

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#Heart Matters, Brokenness

What Can We Learn From Broken People? Are You Suffering?

“We are all wounded. But wounds are necessary for his healing light to enter into our beings. Without wounds and failure and frustrations and defeats, there will be no opening for his brilliance to tickle in and invade our lives. Failures in life are courses with very high tuition fees, so I don’t cut classes and miss my lessons: on humility, on patience, on hope, on asking others for help, on listening to God, on trying again and again and again.”
― Bo Sanchez,

What Can We Learn From Broken People? Are You Suffering? Read Post »


My Dad’s Sweater From Ecuador Holds Many Stories

One thing I’ve learned about objects, whether it’s a 25-cent bouncy ball that needs to be returned to its rightful owner or an antique, they either have a story or they don’t. Handling estates and death is never easy. And sometimes an item dear to you is also special to someone else. Unbeknownst to me, my dad’s sweater was one of those items. I had no idea someone else had their own story. That meant someone else loved my dad very much. It’s funny how objects can be sentimental and mean something to us, but will they mean anything 50 years later? Or even 20? Possibly not.

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NEW RELEASES, Satan Unmasked

Book Trailer for Satan Unmasked, Unmasking the Unseen Series

Satan Unmasked examines passages of scriptures concerning Satan and the origins of how he evolved into doctrines and belief systems, taking on many different forms as the embodiment of evil. In Christianity, Satan has developed into God’s adversary, a fallen angel. However, in Psalms and the Book of Job, Satan is likened to a prosecuting attorney in the Heavenly Court.

Satan Unmasked is Book One of a four-part series concerning doctrines that have crept into our theology. Book Two, Spirits Unveiled, examines angelic beings and the spiritual realm, followed by Books Three and Four regarding salvation, tithing, the role of women, generational issues, etc. Read the entire series Unmasking the Unseen to examine doctrines that have evolved.

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Beer & Bibles, Beer, Bibles & Bread

Beer, Bibles, and Bread

While visiting last week, my oldest son told me he bought my new release, Satan Unmasked, and started reading it. He said, “Mom your book, with all its references and scriptures, made me want to read my Bible. I’ve read through Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua and Judges, and I’m starting Ruth now.”
This is one of the greatest compliments I’ve ever received. My heart could not contain my feelings. Who am I? A flower quickly fading.

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Ichabod, Without Glory!

A Crying Infant, Ichabod, Without Glory

Eli’s sons thought they could carry His Holy Ark and use it as a means of protection, but they had profaned Holy things. What a fearful place to be in. We can mix the holy with the profane. We can become calloused and numb, not even knowing that we would rather be intimate with a harlot than Adonai, or watch our sons do unthinkable things without putting them outside of the camp.

A Crying Infant, Ichabod, Without Glory Read Post »

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