Spirits Unveiled, Book Two

Spirits Unveiled, Book Two

New Release: Spirits Unveiled Free Introduction

Spirits Unveiled is an in-depth study of angelic beings, ghosts, and demonic entities and the deliverance from such spirits.

I address key passages misinterpreted over time, leading to theological confusion concerning fallen angelic beings, and begs the reader to reevaluate the question. “Can angels’ sin?” Are celestial beings chained in everlasting darkness, according to I Peter 2:4 and Jude 1:6, or is this referring to rebellious men?

Spirits Unveiled brings correction to tactics used in the deliverance ministry that are harmful to sheep, while shedding light on demons, deliverance, and how Hellenism, Greek thought, and the exile to Babylon affected ancient Judaism concerning spirits.

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Generational Curses, Spirits Unveiled, Book Two

Generational Curses, Spirits Unveiled, New Series Available

James 5 says, “If he committed sins,” not if he or his father or his grandfather. No instructions to break generational curses. I am not entirely against generational traits, personalities, hereditary diseases or even spiritual issues, but many things affect each individual situation.

Eli, the high priest, was righteous, but his sons were bent on evil. They were not wicked because of a generational curse, but scriptures suggest that Eli did not discipline them:

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