Tekoa Manning

devotional, Inspirational, Tekoa Manning, Thirsting for water

* Free Chapter* Give Your Abused Pets Treats Slowly

A year later, after much healing, I noticed a friend’s controlling and defensive behavior towards me.  She seemed to yell at me a lot when things were taken wrong.  As I pondered the snapping issue, I heard this message in my spirit — “If a dog has been abused, it may snap at you.” Oh, my, revelation into the healing of the soul! So, I did what any other certified googleologist would; I googled it. “How to care for an abused pet.”

* Free Chapter* Give Your Abused Pets Treats Slowly Read Post »

devotional, Inspirational, Tekoa Manning

How can we be wholly illuminated with our families, on the job, and friends?

Some of us have a point on a map, a calendar, a datebook locked in our brain, and we can tell you the exact moment of the car wreck, the diagnosis, or our child that died before it ever learned to talk or even before it exited the womb. There is a moment in time where we look back at the shattered glass, the addiction, the iron bars, the chemo, the foreclosure, the divorce papers, the bruises, the rape, the welfare department, the mental break down, or the charade of pretending to be put together when we were one button shy of falling apart!

How can we be wholly illuminated with our families, on the job, and friends? Read Post »

devotional, Tekoa Manning

It’s Good to Dine at the King’s Table: Mephibosheth

When David searched for Jonathan’s son, and brought him to the palace, and placed him at his table, the King’s table covered his twisted legs that wouldn’t work right. The king’s table hid all his infirmities. He was under the shade of that table, and he was fed delicacies. One day, Mephibosheth went from thinking he was a dead dog to eating at the king’s table. What a remarkable thing David did. He was showing kindness to the seed of his enemy

It’s Good to Dine at the King’s Table: Mephibosheth Read Post »

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