Author name: Bonnie Manning


Enmeshment, Human Behavior Series Part VI

What is enmeshment? Enmeshment is a term coined by family therapist Salvador Minuchin to describe a relationship pattern in which personal boundaries are unclear or nonexistent. This means the people involved are emotionally fused or dependent on each other and cannot function independently or have separate identities. Enmeshment can happen in families or other relationships.[1]

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Triangulation, Human Behavior Series Part V

Many times, a manipulative person in control often vows not to budge. They are pitting people against each other to make one of them look bad. Usually, the person has low self-esteem or fears losing their power in a relationship, be it friendship, leadership, or family role. Their fear of going unnoticed, being wrong or forgotten, or unloved causes chaos. Their wounds, rejection, egos, or low self-worth must be healed. However, in covert narcissism, the person usually knows exactly what they are doing. Some may even enjoy it— hoping they destroy any threats that get in their way of attention and esteem

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Joseph's Bones and Jeremiah, The Samaritan Woman

Old Rags, Joseph’s Bones, Jacobs Well, and a Samaritan woman

There is a long history of people sitting by wells in the Bible or in need of water. Moses sat by a well, watered Jethro’s sheep, and drove away the cruel shepherds from Jethro’s seven daughters.

Abraham’s servant goes to a well searching for a bride for his master and sees Rebecca:

So the servant ran to meet her and said, “Please let me have a little water from your jar. “Drink, my lord,” she replied, and she quickly lowered her jar to her hands and gave him a drink.”

In Genesis 21, Hagar has been sent away with her son, and after a while, she runs out of water and can’t bear to watch her son die of thirst, but God directs her to a well. Yahweh knows where all the water on the earth is.

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Spirits Unveiled, Book Two

New Release: Spirits Unveiled Free Introduction

Spirits Unveiled is an in-depth study of angelic beings, ghosts, and demonic entities and the deliverance from such spirits.

I address key passages misinterpreted over time, leading to theological confusion concerning fallen angelic beings, and begs the reader to reevaluate the question. “Can angels’ sin?” Are celestial beings chained in everlasting darkness, according to I Peter 2:4 and Jude 1:6, or is this referring to rebellious men?

Spirits Unveiled brings correction to tactics used in the deliverance ministry that are harmful to sheep, while shedding light on demons, deliverance, and how Hellenism, Greek thought, and the exile to Babylon affected ancient Judaism concerning spirits.

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Passive Aggressive Behavior

Passive Aggressive Behavior: Part II Human Behavior Series

Passive aggression is complicated speech riddled with hidden jabs or sarcasm that often comes across as covert or cloaked in hidden emotions. The person lacks communication skills to address their true feelings. Passive aggressive people can be good at giving the silent treatment if their egos are bruised or, worse, Ghost you. This is punishment, and often the person on the receiving end has no idea what they have done. There’s a difference between healthy boundaries and ghosting people. We must be careful to check which one we are doing and how we feel when it’s done to us.

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co-deoendency, Healing of the soul, Health and wellness

Co-Dependency and Freedom, Part III In the Human Behavior Series

Constant reassurance seeking. Do you love me? Are you mad at me?
Feeling responsible for problem-solving.
You can’t say “no.”
You need to avoid conflict. Do you worry about asserting boundaries?
Do you say and do things you usually wouldn’t do around certain people due to fear.

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The Martyr Complex, Part II of the Human Behavior Series

The Martyr Complex, Part II of the Human Behavior Series

Somewhere in your life, there’s probably a martyr martyring herself right now. She’s that friend, parent, spouse, co-worker, roommate, etc., who makes sure you know she’s sacrificing—for you and for the good of everyone but her. Those with martyr syndrome suffer out loud, in full display. The martyr is committed to being the one who doesn’t get to be happy, who doesn’t get what everyone else gets. The martyr always has a reason why he can’t let you help him… you’ll do it wrong, and then he’ll have to redo it; it’s just easier if he does it; he’s already started; he doesn’t really mind, blah blah blah. But the point is, it’s not possible, now or really ever, to let you take the burden off of him.[2]

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Money, Money, Money– The Root of All Evil

Money is something we all deal with, and most of us wish we had more of it. My grandparents were survivors of the Great Depression. Years later, my grandmother was still counting her pennies, washing out her pantyhose, mending socks and shirts, gardening, canning, and not wasting anything. Every dollar and cent was accounted for. Today we have become more wasteful. We may have excessive spending, spoiling others and ourselves. Balance is needed. We even have a reality show called hoarders.

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The Know it ALL

The Know it All, Part I in the Human Behavior Series

The Bible speaks of people who wear pride like jewelry. An adornment of pride– sparkling jewels, but these are not jewels given by the Holy Spirit such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. No, this adornment brings destruction.

Psalm 73:6: They wear pride like a jeweled necklace and clothe themselves with cruelty. Psalm 73:6, CSB: Therefore, pride is their necklace, and violence covers them like a garment.

Righteous Job had a different attire and clothed himself in robes of righteousness.

I put on righteousness, and it clothed me; My justice was like a robe and a turban. Job 29:14.

One thing I noticed and have noticed about us humans is we can be so sure of ourselves and our knowledge that we think we know, and if we receive attention, accolades, and applause for it, we can become pompous. A head too big to fit through a door. Puffed up.

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Joseph the Seer, the Seer

Joseph the Seer, Sees, an Allegory–Part II

A moment in time—a “Then suddenly”—a lifetime of moments has just occurred in Joseph’s life and his brothers within a matter of minutes. Joseph has been validated, vindicated, and he has forgiven. Joseph feels as if he has sprung forth from a sheath. Like his mother’s identity stolen from her on her wedding night, his identity has been hidden for so long behind a mask, but now he knows exactly who he is.

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