
devotional, Inspirational

Forget What Esau Said, It’s What You Said, Father!

In my teaching today, Jacob is meeting his brother Esau. It’s been over 20 years. That’s a long time not to speak to a sibling. There are times when we leave people for seasons. Having a brother or sister who is a twin and shared the womb must be unique. We often see identical twins and hear stories of how bonded they are, but Jacob and Esau were said to be two different nations. They were fraternal and looked drastically different–one was hairy wearing a fur coat and one smooth skinned.

Forget What Esau Said, It’s What You Said, Father! Read Post »

Inspirational, spirituality, The Rose of Roda

The Rose of Rhoda, A Sweet Smelling Fragrance

When she recognized Peter’s voice, because of her joy she did not open the gate, but ran in and announced that Peter was standing in front of the gate. They said to her, “You are out of your mind!” But she kept insisting that it was so. They kept saying, “It is his angel.” But Peter continued knocking; and when they had opened the door, they saw him and were amazed. But motioning to them with his hand to be silent, he described to them how the Lord had led him out of the prison.” (Acts 12:12-17).

The Rose of Rhoda, A Sweet Smelling Fragrance Read Post »

devotional, Inspirational, The Lamp Worker, and The Crucible

The Glass Blower, The Lamp Worker and The Crucible

The aged Joshua stepped carefully to the first oven with his ancient tools. He wore steel-toed boots and protective glasses. Synthetic garments cannot be worn here because anything made of false fibers will melt. The heat from the oven warms Joshua’s face as he continues spinning the metal rod in a circular motion. He has great vision for his work and can foresee the finished masterpiece before he ever breathes upon it.

“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you” (Jeremiah 1:5).

The Glass Blower, The Lamp Worker and The Crucible Read Post »

devotional, Inspirational, Tekoa Manning, Thirsting for water

* Free Chapter* Give Your Abused Pets Treats Slowly

A year later, after much healing, I noticed a friend’s controlling and defensive behavior towards me.  She seemed to yell at me a lot when things were taken wrong.  As I pondered the snapping issue, I heard this message in my spirit — “If a dog has been abused, it may snap at you.” Oh, my, revelation into the healing of the soul! So, I did what any other certified googleologist would; I googled it. “How to care for an abused pet.”

* Free Chapter* Give Your Abused Pets Treats Slowly Read Post »

devotional, Inspirational, Tekoa Manning

How can we be wholly illuminated with our families, on the job, and friends?

Some of us have a point on a map, a calendar, a datebook locked in our brain, and we can tell you the exact moment of the car wreck, the diagnosis, or our child that died before it ever learned to talk or even before it exited the womb. There is a moment in time where we look back at the shattered glass, the addiction, the iron bars, the chemo, the foreclosure, the divorce papers, the bruises, the rape, the welfare department, the mental break down, or the charade of pretending to be put together when we were one button shy of falling apart!

How can we be wholly illuminated with our families, on the job, and friends? Read Post »

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